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When to Downsize

Blog by Arnold Shuchat | April 13th, 2023

As we get older, our housing needs can change. The home that was once perfect for a growing family may no longer be necessary or practical. Downsizing can be a tough decision, but it can also be a smart move that can provide financial benefits and improve your quality of life. In this article, we'll discuss some of the signs that it may be time to downsize.


Your Home Feels Too Large

If you find yourself constantly cleaning and maintaining rooms that you don't use or don't need, it may be time to downsize. A large home can be great for entertaining or accommodating a growing family, but it can also be overwhelming to maintain as you get older. Downsizing can help you simplify your life and free up time and energy to focus on other things.


Your Children Have Moved Out

As children grow up and move out of the house, the need for a large family home decreases. If you have empty rooms that are rarely used, downsizing can be a great option. This can provide you with a more manageable home that better suits your current lifestyle.


Your Home Requires Too Much Maintenance

A large home can be a lot of work to maintain. As we get older, tasks such as yard work, cleaning gutters, and painting can become more challenging. Downsizing to a smaller, low-maintenance home can save you time, money, and energy.


Financial Considerations

Downsizing can also be a smart financial move. By selling a larger home and moving into a smaller one, you can potentially reduce your mortgage payments, lower your utility bills, and save on maintenance costs. This can provide you with more financial freedom and security in retirement.


Health Concerns

As we age, health concerns can become more of a factor in our housing decisions. A large home with multiple levels may no longer be practical if you have mobility issues or other health concerns. Downsizing to a smaller, more accessible home can improve your quality of life and make day-to-day tasks easier.


There are several signs that it may be time to downsize. If your home feels too large, your children have moved out, or your home requires too much maintenance, financial considerations, or health concerns, downsizing can be a smart move. It can simplify your life, save you money, and improve your quality of life. If you're considering downsizing, it's important to work with a real estate professional who can help you find a home that meets your needs and budget.